Anda telah mendapatkan hadiah untuk pengujian ulang.
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Apakah Anda ingin mendapatkan hadiah untuk pengujian ulang dengan menonton iklan?

Tes Roda Gulir

Uji kecepatan gulir Anda seketika dengan uji Gulir vertikal daring.

Apa Itu Tes Gulungan?

Pengujian Roda Gulir adalah alat daring yang dirancang untuk mengukur dan meningkatkan kecepatan gulir roda gulir mouse. Alat ini sangat berguna bagi para gamer, desainer grafis, dan siapa saja yang sering menggunakan roda gulir dalam pekerjaan atau aktivitas sehari-hari. Dengan Tes Roda Gulir, pengguna dapat mengukur seberapa cepat dan akurat mereka dapat menggulir dalam interval waktu tertentu dan melacak kemajuan mereka dari waktu ke waktu. Dengan berlatih secara teratur dan meningkatkan kecepatan scrolling, pengguna dapat menjadi lebih efisien dan efektif dalam bekerja atau bermain game. Selain mengukur kecepatan gulir, Uji Roda Gulir juga dapat membantu pengguna mengidentifikasi masalah apa pun dengan roda gulir mouse mereka dan melakukan penyesuaian sesuai kebutuhan.

Test Your Scroll Wheel Speed

Being able to swiftly scroll through menus and webpages can give you a competitive edge in gaming and computing. Our scroll wheel test allows you to measure and track your scrolling speed in pixels per second.

The scroll wheel is most commonly found in between the left and right mouse buttons. Spinning it allows you to navigate up and down or left and right through content. Scrolling quickly is especially important for games where you need to rapidly cycle through weapons or zoom in and out.

Getting Started is Simple

Just place your cursor in the test area and start spinning your scroll wheel as fast as you can when the test begins. We’ll track your scrolling speed in real time and provide your final score in pixels per second when time runs out.

Tips for Increasing Scroll Speed

With dedicated practice, you can break 500+ pixels per second. Here are some tips for improving your scroll test results:

  • Choose a gaming mouse with a smooth, fast-spinning scroll wheel. These optimize rapid scrolling.
  • Use your index or middle finger for scrolling. They offer more control than your thumb.
  • Remain focused during the test. Letting your mind wander can break your rhythm.
  • Take short breaks between tests to avoid finger fatigue. Scrolling takes stamina.
  • Make small goals like increasing your speed by 50 pixels per day. Achievable targets keep you motivated.

With the right mouse and practice, you’ll be scrolling through webpages and menus quicker than ever before. Take the scroll wheel test today!