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5 Klik Kedua

Latih mengeklik cepat dengan aman dalam mode 5 detik, dengan jeda di antara pengujian, untuk meningkatkan kecepatan.

🖱️Klik : 0
⏰ Waktu: 0.0
⚡ CPS: 0.0

🏆 Skor Anda : 0 CPS

Coba Lagi

👇 Ambil Tantangan Level Berikutnya 👇

Apa itu Tes CPS ?

Tes CPS adalah metode untuk mengevaluasi kegunaan antarmuka pengguna situs web atau aplikasi. Ini melibatkan penguji yang melakukan klik pada elemen antarmuka pengguna sambil mengikuti tugas atau skrip tertentu. Nilai Ujian CPS dihitung dengan rumus:

CPS = Jumlah Klik / Jumlah Detik

5 Second CPS Test - Push Your Clicking Speed!

If you’re looking to seriously improve your mouse clicking speed and endurance, our intense 5 second CPS test is the ultimate challenge!

While 1 second checks raw max speed, and 2 seconds tests crisp rapid clicks, 5 seconds requires true physical and mental stamina. You’ll need flawless form and technique to maintain elite clicking over this extended period.

The 5 second sprint will push your fingers to their absolute limit. Survival requires rigorous training of both body and mind. Are you ready to take the test and enter the next level of clicking performance?

Track Your Improvement on the Global Leaderboards

Our real-time scoreboards allow you to compare your 5 second CPS performance against clickers around the world. See how your scores size up vs friends and competitors!

The top players average 13-15 CPS over 5 seconds. 15+ is rare air reserved for true masters. With dedication and practice, you can work your way up the ranks.

Use the leaderboards as motivation to keep improving your scores over time. Set goals and visualize your rise to dominance!

Adopt Pro Clicking Techniques for Optimal Speed

Raw clicking speed is only part of the battle. You need proper form and technique to truly excel on the 5 second test.

Be sure to train using proven methods like the “butterfly”, “drag” and “jitter” techniques used by the pros. They allow rapid clicks while reducing fatigue.

But no matter your method, remember to keep your wrist and arm relaxed, and your fingers poised for action. Proper form prevents injury and decline in performance.

Conquer the Ultimate 5 Second Challenge Today!

If you think your clicking speed and endurance are ready for the rigorous 5 second test, it’s time to put them to the ultimate trial right now!

The intense 5 second sprint pushes mind and body to their limits. Survival requires intense focus and training. But the satisfaction of an elite score makes it all worthwhile.

Seize the day - take the 5 second challenge, enter the ranks of the elite, and prove your clicking superiority today!