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Tes Klik Kupu-Kupu

Tingkatkan kecepatan permainan dengan Tes Klik Kupu-Kupu, menggunakan dua jari untuk mendaftarkan klik.

🖱️Klik : 0
⏰ Waktu: 0.0
⚡ CPS: 0.0

🏆 Skor Anda : 0 CPS

Coba Lagi

👇 Ambil Tantangan Level Berikutnya 👇

Apa itu Klik Kupu-Kupu?

Tes Klik Kupu Kupu adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur dan meningkatkan kecepatan mengeklik, terutama untuk tujuan permainan. Dengan menggunakan dua jari, biasanya telunjuk dan jari panjang, pengguna dapat berlatih mendaftarkan klik sebanyak mungkin dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Tes Klik Kupu-Kupu memungkinkan pengguna untuk menguji kemampuan mengklik dan melacak kemajuan mereka saat mereka terus berlatih dan meningkatkan kecepatan mengklik.

Test Your Clicking Speed with the Butterfly Technique

Gamers are always looking for ways to gain an edge over their competition. The butterfly click test allows you to measure how fast you can click a mouse button repeatedly using two fingers. Mastering this technique can give you quicker reflexes for first-person shooter and real-time strategy games.

How Does It Work?

The butterfly clicking method involves resting your pointer and middle fingers on top of each other over the mouse button. You then alternate between clicking with your pointer finger and middle finger in rapid succession. This allows you to register two clicks almost simultaneously and achieve a higher score.

With practice, top players can register over 15 clicks per second using this technique. The current record holder scored 21 clicks per second!

Tips for Improving Your Butterfly Clicking Speed

It takes time and dedication to master the butterfly technique. Here are some tips to help you get better results:

  • Choose a lightweight, gaming-style mouse designed for rapid clicks. This allows for faster motion.
  • Work on alternating between fingers smoothly without pausing. The motion should flow continuously.
  • Try to increase your pace and intensity over 10 second intervals. Push yourself to beat your personal best.
  • Take short breaks to avoid finger and wrist fatigue. Proper rest prevents injury.
  • Remain calm and focused. Tension can cause you to hesitate and lose your rhythm.
Test Your Skills Now!

If you think you have the skills to achieve an excellent butterfly clicking score, put yourself to the test. Our platform provides a simple way to measure and track your butterfly CPS (clicks per second).