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15 segundo clique

O teste de velocidade do clique fica mais difícil, exigindo velocidade de clique consistente até o final.

🖱️Cliques : 0
⏰ Tempo: 0.0
⚡ CPS: 0.0

🏆 Sua Pontuação : 0 CPS

Tente Novamente

👇 Aceite o Desafio do Próximo Nível 👇

O que é Teste CPS?

O teste CPS é um método para avaliar a usabilidade de um site ou interface de usuário de um aplicativo. Envolve testadores realizando cliques em elementos da interface do usuário enquanto seguem tarefas ou scripts especificados. A pontuação do teste CPS é calculada usando a fórmula:

CPS = Número de Cliques / Número de Segundos

15 Second CPS Test - The Ultimate Clicking Endurance Challenge!

If you’re looking to push your clicking skills to the absolute limit, our intense 15 second CPS test is the ultimate endurance challenge!

While 10 seconds tests stamina, 15 grueling seconds requires supreme physical and mental conditioning to maintain elite performance. This extended trial separates the novice from the veteran.

Our 15 second sprint will force you to dig deeper than ever before. To survive, you need rigorous training of both body and mind. Are you ready to step up and conquer the ultimate test?

Compare Your CPS to the World’s Best

After surviving the 15 second gauntlet, your score will display as an overall clicks per second (CPS) rate. This allows direct comparison to other clickers worldwide.

The top players average 13-15 CPS over 15 seconds. Anything above 15 CPS is rare air reserved for true masters. With dedication, you too can enter those lofty ranks.

Use our real-time leaderboards as motivation to keep improving. Set goals and visualize your rise to supremacy!

Adopt Pro Techniques for Optimal Speed

Raw clicking speed is only one part of the battle. You need proper form and technique to conquer the 15 second challenge.

Be sure to practice using proven methods like the “butterfly”, “drag” and “jitter” techniques employed by the experts. They enable rapid-fire clicking while reducing fatigue.

But no matter your method, remember to keep wrists loose, arms relaxed, and fingers poised for action. Proper form prevents decline in performance.

Step Up and Conquer the 15 Second Challenge!

If your clicking speed and endurance are ready for the intense 15 second test, it’s time to put them to the ultimate trial right now!

Surviving 15 grueling seconds requires supreme conditioning of body and mind. But the satisfaction of a top score makes the struggle worthwhile.

Seize the day - take the ultimate 15 second challenge, enter the highest ranks of elite clickers, and prove your unmatched clicking prowess today!